Monday, March 8, 2010

Retraining My Brain

Today is 2 months since I started weight watchers, and I have lost 25 pounds! If I had my way it would come off much faster, but I don't think I can complain about 25lbs in 2 months. One thing I'm really focusing on is thinking in a new way.  I have always rewarded myself with food. Obviously, if I rewarded my weight loss with food (which, by the way, is still my first instinct) I would be getting nowhere. So instead I've been trying to find a new way to reward myself when I reach weight loss goals.  I came up with the idea of an Add-a-Bead Bracelet. I set goals and buy myself a bead whenever I reach those goals. For larger goals I will buy a charm for my bracelet. I actually earned a charm today for hitting the 25 lb mark, so I will be picking that out soon! I've found that it's really working for me. I actually have to ask myself if that dessert is worth not getting that bead I want for another week. I hope to have this bracelet full by the end of the year! :-)


Jannine Edwards said...

Wonderful Idea! Good luck with your journey................thanks for all your wonderful ideas