Tuesday, March 16, 2010

♪ These are a Few of my Favorite Things ♪

Instead of posting a recipe today, I thought I'd share with you a few my favorite grocery staples that help me stay on track with Weight Watchers.

I promise Nabisco isn't paying me! I just love Wheat Thins and Triscuits. The Wheat Thins Fiber Selects (far left) are 15 crackers for 2 points. The Wheat Thins Reduced Fat (middle) are 16 crackers for 2 points and the Triscuits Reduced Fat are 7 crackers for 2 points

What's a cracker without cheese, right? Well, here are three of my favorite cheeses. Kraft 2% shreds (far left) are great in any recipe calling for cheese and for topping your favorite chilis, soups, and so much more. 1/2 cup is 2 points! Laughing Cow Light Wedges (middle) come in three flavors are 1 point per triangle wedge. They have the consistency of spreadable cream cheese. Fit and Active Light String cheese (right) are available at Aldi, and they are one point a piece.

Trail Mix Fruit and Nut Bars are from Aldi.  They are three points per bar and are about the size of your average granola bar.  They are full of dried cranberries and whole almonds!

My sister-in-law gets the credit for discovering this little bit of heaven! Breyers Smooth and Dreamy Fat Free Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream.  Only one point per 1/2 cup! So Yummy!!! Note: It is a little on the expensive side. I wait for it to go on sale and then stock up! (It's 2 for $5 at Dominick's right now for all of my Chicago-area readers)

Vegetables in steamer bags are the busy dieter's friend. These broccoli florets are from Aldi, but you can get a variety of steamer bag veggies at your local grocery store.
Fit and Active Light Butter popcorn is from Aldi and is 4 points for the entire bag

Clancy's Baked potato chips are also from Aldi.  They come in original and barbeque and taste exactly like Lay's baked chips for a fraction of the cost. They are 2 points for 16 chips.

Two other things I couldn't live without:  93/7 lean ground beef and boneless skinless chicken breast